
Chromatography Forum  
of Delaware Valley


              2007 STUDENT AWARD SYMPOSIUM


The annual CFDV Student Award Symposium provides graduate and undergraduate students with an opportunity to present their research in the field of separation science at the 2007 ACS MARM Meeting, to be held at Ursinus Collegeville,PA on May 16-18, 2007.  Presentation of a paper at this symposium enables students to achieve recognition for their accomplishments, as well as developing important career skills and professional contacts.

All students whose papers are accepted for presentation at the Student Award Symposium will receive an honorarium of $250 and partial reimbursement of the student registration fee.  Each student will also receive a certificate acknowledging his/her accomplishment and commemorating the event, which is sponsored by the Chromatography Forum of Delaware Valley.

Though many participants are pursuing separation science as their major course of study, students in the areas of medicine, biochemistry, engineering and organic chemistry have successfully presented papers describing areas of research that involve separations. For a paper to be given full consideration for presentation at the Student Award Symposium:  submit a title & 300-word abstract before March 2, 2007 to:


NOTE — After acceptance, abstracts must be electronically submitted according to directions given at:  by  March 31, 2007

Dr. Marshall L. Fishman

Eastern Regional Research Center
600 East Mermaid LN
Wyndmoor, PA 19038-8598
Phone: 215-233-6450

E-mail: [email protected]