Technical Program
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MARM 2012 List of Technical Sessions & Symposia
Thursday, May 31st
- Atmospheric Chemistry - Russel Dickerson, University of Maryland, College Park
- Frontiers in the Application of Computational Chemistry to Biological Systems - Ian Thorpe, UMBC and Alex MacKerell, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
- Separation and Characterization of Biopharmaceuticals - Faizy Ahmed, Agilent and Darryl Davis, Johnson and Johnson
- Fluoresence for Detection and Imaging - Yu Zhong, Molecular Probes Life Technologies
- Nanomaterials: Self-Assembly and Applications - Sarah Stoll, Georgetown University
- Nanotechnology: Health and Safety - Bryant Nelson, Elijah Peterson and Bryce Marquis, NIST, and Vishal Shah, Dowling College
- Remsen Award Symposium - Gerald Meyer, Johns Hopkins University
- Remsen Award Seminar - Daniel Nocera, MIT
- Addressing Challenges in Food Analysis Using Emerging Technologies - Romina Shah, FDA
- Dietary Phytochemicals and Prevention of Metabolic Syndrome - Joshua Lambert, Penn State University
Friday, June 1st
- Renewable Energy A: Metabolic Engineering - Malcolm Byrnes, Howard University School of Medicine
- Renewable Energy B: Biofuels - Susan Gregurik, Department of Energy
- Renewable Energy C: Photovoltaic Devices and Applications - Behrang Hamadani, NIST
- Younger Organic Chemists: The Breadth of Organic Synthesis - Cynthia Dowd, George Washington University
- Medicinal Chemistry - Takashi Tsukamoto, Johns Hopkins Medical Institute
- Chemistry in the Chemical Senses - George Preti, Monell Chemical Senses Center
- Beer Chemistry - Stephen Jones, Oliver Breweries and Steve Frazier, The Brewers Art
Saturday, June 2nd
- Contemporary Organic Materials - John Tovar, Johns Hopkins University
- Organic Photochemistry - Lisa Kelly, UMBC
- Carbohydrate Chemistry - Lai-Xi Wang, University of Maryland, Institute of Human Virology
- NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecules - Alex Drohat, University of Maryland School of Medicine
- Mass Spectrometry of Biomolecules - Shelley Jackson, National Institutes of Health
- Terehertz Spectroscopy - Anis Rahman, Applied Research & Photonics