
Workshops and Special Events

MARM 2012 offers a number of workshops and special events. They are all shown here, but most are cross-listed on other pages at this website which target specific groups of people.

Registraion for all workshops is on the main MARM registration form, except for the ACS Leadership Workshop on Fostering Innovation.

    Thursday, May 31, 2012:

    •   8:00am-9:30am  - ACS Planning Your Job Search
    • This workshop addresses employment trends and professional values (self assessment). Then,the process of networking is explored: who is in your network, how to expand it. Strategies such as informational interviewing will be discussed.

    •   9:30am-11:00am - ACS Preparing a Résumé
    • Your resume is a personal introduction and leaves an impression. In this workshop you will learn which personal data format is right for your "marketing plan," and construct a winning resume.

    • 11:00am-12:30pm - ACS Effective Interviewing
    • Many job seekers think their work ends once an interview is secured. Think again! This workshop will examine the entire interview process, types of interviews, frequently asked questions, and how to evaluate an offer.

    •   1:00pm-5:00pm  - ACS Leadership Workshop: Fostering Innovation

      To register for this workshop, you must go to to register and make your payment AT THAT SITE. The first nine registrants are free, the next eleven receive a reduced rate of $75, and the fee for additional registrants is $150. Register Early!

    •   1:00pm-5:00pm  - Expanding your Laboratory Capabilities For the Better (PerkinElmer Workshop)  [ details...PDF file ]
    •   1:30pm-5:00pm  - ACS Individual Résumé Review

      Description: An ACS Career Consultant will be available to provide individual résumé reviews and career assistance from 1:30 -5:00 pm. You must bring a copy of your résumé. Sign-up will be available at meeting registration.

    Friday, June 1, 2012:

    •   9:30am-12:00pm - Best Steps for the Chemical Entrepreneur
    • Planned by the ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses (SCHB). Presented by SCHB organizer Gianna Arnold (). Additional support from Saul Ewing LLP.

    •   8:00am-5:00pm   - Automated Serum to Purified Peptides in 10 Minutes for LCMS (Shimadzu Workshop)  [ details...PDF file ]
    •   8:00am-5:00pm   - Companion Software for Freshman and Organic Chemistry Texts: Enhancing Student Learning
    • A Workshop presented by publishers Cengage, Wiley, McGraw-Hill, and Sapling Learning, including online learning.
      [ details ]

    •   1:30am-5:30pm    - Chemical Start-Ups

    Saturday, June 2, 2012:

    •   2:00-6:00pm (one half-day session)   - CANCELLED

      Lens of Science and the Market: How to Position your GREEN and SUSTAINABLE MATERIALS [ details ] 

    •   8:30am-12:00pm   - Elementary School Teachers Hands-On STEM Program
    •   9:00am-12:00pm   - High School Teachers Environmental Program
    •   1:00pm-4:40pm     - Elementary School Teachers Hands-On STEM Program
    •   1:00pm-4:00pm     - High School Teachers Forensic Science Program