The E. Emmet Reid Award in Chemistry For Teaching at Small Colleges in The ACS Middle Atlantic Region
Purpose: To recognize, encourage, and stimulate outstanding teachers of high school chemistry in the Middle Atlantic Region. The Middle Atlantic Region of the ACS consists of the following Local Sections: Central Pennsylvania, Chemical Society of Washington, Delaware, Lehigh Valley, Maryland, Monmouth County, New York, North Jersey, Ocean County, Philadelphia, Princeton, South Jersey, Southeastern Pennsylvania, Susquehanna Valley, Trenton, and Western Maryland.
• The quality of the nominee’s teaching; unusually effective methods of presentation should be emphasized;
• The nominee’s ability to challenge and inspire students;
• Extracurricular work in chemistry or a chemical science by the nominee, including science fairs, science clubs, and activities that stimulate the interest of young people in chemistry and related sciences;
• A willingness to keep up-to-date in the field, as evidenced by the pursuit of a higher degree in chemistry or a chemical science, enrollment in refresher courses and summer institutes, regular attendance at scientific meetings, membership in professional organizations, and other means of self-improvement;
• Evidence of leadership and/or active involvement within the profession.