
Join us to celebrate the recipients of the 2016 MARM Awards on Friday, June 10, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in Founders Hall

The Honorees for each Award are:

  • St. John's University (Stanley C. Israel Award)
  • Dr. Ronald D'Amelia, Hofstra University (E. Emmet Reid Award)
  • Dr. Paris Svoronos, Queensborough Community College (E. Ann Nalley Award)
  • Mary Calvert, The Lawrenceville School (MARM Award for Excellence in High School Teaching)
  • New York Local Section and William Nichols Foundation (Partners for Progress and Prosperity (P3) Award)

To Register For BOTH MARM And The Awards Dinner Click Here

Click Here To Register ONLY For The Awards Dinner

Several awards will be presented at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM) this Spring (June 9-12, College of Mount Saint Vincent).

  • The Stanley C. Israel Award for advancing diversity in the chemical sciences
  • The E. Emmet Reid Award in chemistry teaching at small colleges in the ACS Middle Atlantic Region
  • The E. Ann Nalley Award for volunteer service in the American Chemical Society
  • The Award for Excellence in High School Teaching of the ACS Division of Chemical Education Middle Atlantic Region
  • The Partners for Progress and Prosperity (P3) Award in recognition of successful and exemplary partnerships between industry, academia, government, small business, or other organizations
  • Contact: Michael Castaldi, 2016 Award Chair, .

    The Stanley C. Israel Regional Award for Advancing Diversity in the Chemical Sciences Sponsored by the ACS Committee on Minority Affairs

    2016 RECIPIENT: St. John's University

    Nomination Guidelines:

    Stanley C. Israel (1942-2003)

    Purpose:  To recognize individuals and/or institutions that have advanced diversity in the chemical sciences and significantly stimulated or fostered activities that promote inclusiveness within the region.

    Nature:  The award consists of a medal and a $1,000 grant to support and further the activities for which the award was made.  The award also will include funding to cover the recipient's travel expenses to the ACS regional meeting at which the award will be presented.

    Eligibility: Nominees may come from academia, industry, government, or independent entities, and may also be organizations, including ACS Local Sections and Divisions. The nominee must have created and fostered ongoing programs or activities that result in increased numbers of persons from diverse and underrepresented minority groups, persons with disabilities, or women who participate in the chemical enterprise.

    To Nominate:  The nomination package must include:

    • A letter of nomination
    • A CV or resume containing relevant diversity promotion activities and factual data on outcomes
    • At least one, but no more than three supportive letters, one of which must come from the nominee's ACS Local Section. Mailing address, phone number(s), and e-mail address of nominee/supporter must be provided

    Please submit applications online, using the form at the following ACS webpage:

    Deadline for nominations: April 1, 2016

    The E. Emmet Reid Award in Chemistry Teaching at Small Colleges in the ACS Middle Atlantic Region

    2016 RECIPIENT: Dr. Ronald D'Amelia, Hofstra University

    Nomination Guidelines:

    E. Emmet Reid (1872-1973)

    The E. Emmet Reid Award is administered by the Organizing Committee of the Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (MARM) of the American Chemical Society for outstanding achievements in teaching chemical sciences at small colleges within the Middle Atlantic Region.

    Purpose:   To recognize, encourage and stimulate high quality teaching and research at small colleges.

    To Nominate:   Nominations for the Award are made by the Local Sections of the Middle Atlantic Region. The Chairman or Secretary of the Section must sign and transmit the nomination to the MARM Award Committee Chairman. A committee may be appointed to solicit names of candidates for final selection.

    No special form is required but the MARM Award Chair must receive the nominee's short curriculum vitae, list of publications, and evaluation of the nominee's achievements as a teacher in a small college. This document should clearly demonstrate the candidate's attributes: the quality of the candidate's teaching; organization and efficiency of lab work; research and/or development work; ability to challenge and inspire students; extra-curricular work in chemistry; courses, meetings, presentations, awards, etc. Seconding letters are not essential but as many as three may be included with each nomination. Letters may include careful evaluations of the teacher's abilities by his superiors, associates, or by local section members.

    • The candidate need not be a member of the American Chemical Society.
    • The Award committee of MARM will review the candidates and select the nominee.
    • The nominee will be presented the Award during the forthcoming MARM. The nominee is expected to deliver a short acceptance speech.
    • Unsuccessful candidate's files will be kept active for a period of three years upon receipt of a letter from the nominating section chairman or secretary. Any further updating of the candidates file will be welcomed at that time but are not mandatory.
    • The Award will consist of $1,000 and a major award plaque.

    Please send complete applications to: 2016 MARM Awards Chair Michael Castaldi,

    Deadline for nominations: April 1, 2016

    The E. Ann Nalley Regional Award for Volunteer Service to the American Chemical Society

    2016 RECIPIENT: Dr. Paris Svoronos, Queensborough Community College - CUNY

    Nomination Guidelines:

    Dr E Ann Nalley

    Purpose: To recognize the volunteer efforts of individuals who have served the American Chemical Society, contributing significantly to the goals and objectives of the Society through their Regional Activities.

    Nature and Establishment: This award was instituted in 2006 by ACS President E. Ann Nalley as part of her presidential initiative to recognize ACS volunteerism.  It is Dr. Nalley's wish that the award continue in perpetuity at each regional meeting.  The award consists of a plaque honoring the recipient with an imbedded medallion commemorating Dr. Nalley.

    Eligibility: A nominee must be a member of the American Chemical Society residing in a local section within the region, and will have made significant contributions to their Region of the American Chemical Society. The volunteerism to be recognized may include a variety of activities, including but not limited to the initiation or sponsorship of a singular endeavor or exemplary leadership in the region. Past and present members of the ACS Board of Directors and staff are ineligible for this award. Any individual, except a member of the award selection committee, may nominate or support only one nominee for this award in any given year.

    Submittal process: For each nominee, a Nomination (which includes a bio or curriculum vitae) and one or two Support Forms must be completed, using [ these documents ].

    These materials should be completed and emailed to the 2016 MARM Awards Chair Michael Castaldi,

    Deadline for nominations: April 1, 2016

    The ACS Division of Chemical Education Middle Atlantic Region Award for Excellence in High School Teaching

    2016 RECIPIENT: Mary Calvert, The Lawrenceville School

    Nomination Guidelines:

    Purpose: To recognize, encourage, and stimulate outstanding teachers of high school chemistry in the Middle Atlantic Region. The Middle Atlantic Region of the ACS consists of the following Local Sections: Central Pennsylvania, Chemical Society of Washington, Delaware, Lehigh Valley, Maryland, Monmouth County, New York, North Jersey, Ocean County, Philadelphia, Princeton, South Jersey, Southeastern Pennsylvania, Susquehanna Valley, Trenton, and Western Maryland. CHED - ACD Division of Chemical Education

    Nature: The Region Award consists of a cash award and a plaque. Reasonable travel expenses to the Regional Meeting at which the award will be presented will be reimbursed. A certificate/plaque may also be provided to the recipient's institution for display. In some cases, the awardee may be asked to give a keynote address and/or participate in a symposium with other teachers.

    Eligibility: Who May Nominate? Any individual, except a member of the award selection committee or currently enrolled student of the nominee, may submit one nomination or support form in any given year. Local Sections within the Region are especially encouraged to submit nominations for the award.
    Who is Eligible? The nominee must be actively engaged in the teaching of chemistry or a chemical science in a high school (grades 9-12) on at least a half-time basis. The nomination should clearly demonstrate as many of the following attributes as possible:

    • The quality of the nominee's teaching; unusually effective methods of presentation should be emphasized;
    • The nominee's ability to challenge and inspire students;
    • Extracurricular work in chemistry or a chemical science by the nominee, including science fairs, science clubs, and activities that stimulate the interest of young people in chemistry and related sciences;
    • A willingness to keep up-to-date in the field, as evidenced by the pursuit of a higher degree in chemistry or a chemical science, enrollment in refresher courses and summer institutes, regular attendance at scientific meetings, membership in professional organizations, and other means of self-improvement;
    • Evidence of leadership and/or active involvement within the profession.

    Required Nomination Components:

    The Awards Committee will consider only complete nomination portfolios.
    1. A completed Nomination Form that consists of:
      • A Nomination Portfolio Check List, which shall serve as the Portfolio Cover Sheet (included in packet)
      • A Nominator Information form
      • A Nominee Information form
      • A Nominator Recommendation of not more than 750 words submitted by the nominator according to the guidelines outlined on the Recommendation Form
      • A current curriculum vitae or resume that includes a list of the nominee's honors, professional activities, and additional evidence of service to the profession. This must be limited to no more than two pages and the activities listed must have occurred within the past five years.
      • A statement by the nominees of not more than 500 words that describes the nominee's teaching philosophy or commitment to the profession.
      • At least one, but not more than three, letters of support. One letter, of no more than 400 words, must be from the teacher's current principal or supervisor. Additional letters of support, of no more than 400 words, may be sent by colleagues, members of the American Chemical Society who are familiar with the nominee's achievements, or former students and parents of former students.
    Submit these documents.

    Please email complete applications to: Awards Chair, Michael Castaldi,

    Deadline for nominations: April 1, 2016

    Partners for Progress and Prosperity (P3) Award

    2016 RECIPIENTS: New York Local Section and William Nichols Foundation

    Nomination Guidelines:

    Purpose: To encourage and recognize successful and exemplary partnerships, a Partners for Progress and Prosperity (P3) Award is to be established as a new award to be given by Local ACS Sections, ACS International Chapters, and ACS Regional Meetings. These partnerships can be between industry, academia, government, small business and/or other organizations, including ACS local sections, ACS divisions, ACS international chapters, other societies or various entities domestic or overseas resulting in impactful outcomes in one or more of the following categories:

    • Improving the public perception and appreciation for chemistry
    • Promoting career advancement opportunities and/or supporting entrepreneurship in the chemistry enterprise
    • Advancing advocacy efforts with government and other thought leaders
    • Supporting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education and/or research

    Nature and Establishment: This award was instituted in 2014 by a contribution from Marinda Li Wu out of her Immediate Past ACS President's budget as part of her presidential initiatives to promote partnering for progress and prosperity. The funds will be evenly distributed at the end of 2014 to all Regional Meeting Boards who wish to participate. It will be up to each Regional Meeting Board how much to fund each P3 Award and whether any of the funds should be used to help support travel if needed. It is Dr. Wu's hope that this will be an ongoing award to recognize the importance of partnering and working together towards common goals to advance the global chemistry enterprise.

    At the Regional Meeting level, the award will consist of a special Partners for Progress and Prosperity silver/gold medallion plus a framed certificate of recognition (one for each Partner representing an entity or organization) plus up to $1,000 grant split equally between the partners to further the activities for which the award is made.

    Eligibility: A nominee may represent academia, industry, government, small business or other organizations such as a Local Section. Partnerships can include international ACS chapters, ACS divisions, or other entities domestic or overseas. The awards committee of the ACS Regional Meeting Board will select the P3 Award winners. Any individual, except a member of the award selection committee, may nominate or support only one nominee package for this award in any given year.

    Required Nomination Components:

    • A letter of nomination describing the partnership, its activities, outcomes and impact
    • At least one, but no more than three supporting letters
    • Mailing addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses for nominee and supporters

    Complete the forms in the packet.

    Complete applications should be emailed to: Awards Chair, Michael Castaldi,

    Deadline for nominations: April 1, 2016

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